• Respect: Treat teachers, staff, and fellow students with kindness and respect. Follow the golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated.
  • Punctuality: Arrive to school and classes on time. Being punctual shows responsibility and respect for others' time.
  • Attendance: Attend classes regularly. Missing too many classes can impact your learning progress.
  • Uniform or Dress Code: Follow the school's dress code or uniform policy. Dress appropriately and modestly.
  • Homework and Assignments: Complete and submit homework and assignments on time. They are essential for learning and assessment.
  • Classroom Behavior: Follow classroom rules set by teachers. Raise your hand to ask or answer questions, and participate in discussions.
  • Bullying and Harassment: Treat others with kindness and prevent bullying, harassment, or any form of discrimination.
  • Language and Behavior: Use appropriate language and behavior at all times. Avoid disrespectful, offensive, or inappropriate remarks.
  • Respect Personal Property: Respect others' belongings and school property. Don't vandalize or steal.
  • Safety Rules: Follow safety guidelines, especially in labs, workshops, and during physical activities.
  • Food and Drink: Follow rules about eating and drinking in designated areas. Keep the school clean by disposing of trash properly.
  • Hallway Behavior: Walk calmly and quietly in the hallways between classes.
  • Library and Resource Center: Follow library rules, including proper book handling and noise level.
  • Respect for Learning Spaces: Treat classrooms, desks, and facilities with care and cleanliness.
  • Fire Drills and Emergency Procedures: Know and follow the school's emergency procedures, including fire drills and lockdown drills.
  • Sports and Extracurricular Activities: Follow rules and guidelines for participation in sports and other extracurricular activities.
  • Use of Facilities: Use restrooms and other facilities responsibly.
  • Health and Hygiene: Maintain personal hygiene and follow health guidelines, especially during illness outbreaks.
  • Bus and Transportation: Follow rules and guidelines for bus or transportation services.